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Oh, so ‘selling out’ is a thing again?

Oh, so ‘selling out’ is a thing again?

Did we all fall into a portal to the ’90s or something?

  • by Robert Moran


Enjoy your ‘girl dinner’. But I’ll have a big lady buffet

Enjoy your ‘girl dinner’. But I’ll have a big lady buffet

TikTok’s new trend finds women posting food plates prepared for one. But there’s a dark side to the digital mischief.

  • by Alice Tovey
Every group chat needs an annoying friend who has no shame

Every group chat needs an annoying friend who has no shame

They will happily send three texts in a row even when they haven’t received a reply.

  • by James Colley
The most magical place on the internet? That’s easy

The most magical place on the internet? That’s easy

Facebook Marketplace is the 2023 equivalent of taking a sneaky peek in someone’s bathroom medicine cabinet.

  • by Eliza Reilly
I tried to find my real self, and he wasn’t worth finding

I tried to find my real self, and he wasn’t worth finding

I have the emotional depth of a kiddie pool. There isn’t a lot going on in here. It’s a shame, really. I’ve always wanted to be brooding and mysterious.

  • by James Colley
I’ve seen the future twice. It didn’t do me any good

I’ve seen the future twice. It didn’t do me any good

My ability to foretell mildly accurate occurrences is, mostly, useless.

  • by Michael Ruffles
Off the green: The six reasons why I want to cancel golf

Off the green: The six reasons why I want to cancel golf

Like that photo of Greg Norman at the beach, I’m about to unleash something unwanted and unsightly upon the world. My golfing hot take.

  • by Alice Tovey
From goo goo ga ga to Nah: My baby has a new favourite word

From goo goo ga ga to Nah: My baby has a new favourite word

This new discovery has proved a real game-changer for both the baby and her parents.

  • by James Colley
I once mocked the dog park dorks, but now I’m one of them

I once mocked the dog park dorks, but now I’m one of them

The Australian dog park. A place where humans can go to watch their dogs have more fun being alive than them.

  • by Eliza Reilly
After years of running from running, here I am: a runner

After years of running from running, here I am: a runner

It sickens me to say this, but I made a healthy change and my life improved for the better.

  • by James Colley
Hollywood has the EGOT, but Australia should embrace the MARGOT

Hollywood has the EGOT, but Australia should embrace the MARGOT

We need our own unique honour to recognise the most talented.

  • by Rebecca Shaw