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Robo-debt royal commission

Morrison lashes out at robo-debt ‘political lynching’, rejects royal commission findings

Morrison lashes out at robo-debt ‘political lynching’, rejects royal commission findings

The former prime minister has described the commission’s findings against him as “disproportionate, wrong, unsubstantiated and contradicted by clear evidence”.

  • by James Massola


Why all the government secrecy on Kathryn Campbell’s demise?

Why all the government secrecy on Kathryn Campbell’s demise?

Obfuscation over the former public servant’s fate raises questions about what the public will be told about others shamed by the robo-debt royal commission.

  • The Herald's View
Robo-debt bureaucrat quits her $900k-a-year defence job

Robo-debt bureaucrat quits her $900k-a-year defence job

Kathryn Campbell’s resignation, effective last Friday, comes after damning findings were made against her by the robo-debt royal commission.

  • by Angus Thompson
Still no transparency in robo-debt debacle, but we can see through smoke and mirrors

Still no transparency in robo-debt debacle, but we can see through smoke and mirrors

It is apparent that senior public servants are so grossly overpaid that they aren’t going to rock the boat with “frank and honest” advice to their ministerial masters who earn far less.

Ultimate responsibility for robo-debt lies with executive government

Ultimate responsibility for robo-debt lies with executive government

The Royal Commission into the Robo-debt Scheme has claimed its first bureaucratic scalp, but the scythe is surely swinging for politicians involved in the iniquitous and unlawful program to recoup Centrelink debts.

  • The Herald's View
Crossbench demands answers on robo-debt bureaucrat’s $900K AUKUS parachute

Crossbench demands answers on robo-debt bureaucrat’s $900K AUKUS parachute

The robo-debt royal commission made a range of scathing findings against Kathryn Campbell, who ran the Department of Human Services when the welfare debt recovery scheme was introduced.

  • by Angus Thompson
Why every adult should get $500 a week from the government, no questions asked

Why every adult should get $500 a week from the government, no questions asked

A Universal Basic Income would create a more equitable nation, reduce tax evasion and lead to smaller government. Not convinced? You haven’t met Everald Compton.

  • by Peter FitzSimons
Our political swamp will not be cleansed by the disgracing of Morrison

Our political swamp will not be cleansed by the disgracing of Morrison

Politicians on all sides, public servants and even the press gallery will be making a grievous mistake if they expect Morrison’s eventual departure will stop the rot.

  • by George Megalogenis
Lowe times over, count on woman to save the day

Lowe times over, count on woman to save the day

Surprise, surprise – a female given the job when things are in a mess.

How political egos led us to the shame of robo-debt
Tony Wright’s Saturday Column
Public service

How political egos led us to the shame of robo-debt

There was a time when senior public servants were called permanent secretaries. Then a series of political leaders sought to bend them to their will.

  • by Tony Wright
‘Prosperity gospel writ large’: Is the robo-debt scandal the Morrison government’s ‘enduring legacy’?

‘Prosperity gospel writ large’: Is the robo-debt scandal the Morrison government’s ‘enduring legacy’?

After the findings of the robo-debt report, Herald readers ask if the Coalition government ever showed concern for the disadvantaged in society.